Time is money
And GonoGo saves time
Our users estimated that GoNoGo saves a pilot in average:
- 10 minutes a day on a fair weather day.
- 15 minutes or more on a challenging weather day - where delays are most likely to happen.
Such numbers WILL result in increased punctuality.
Which means money
The rule of thumb for one minute delay ranges from 100€ for a regional airline up to 1000€ for a major.
Out of the 10 to 15 minutes it saves per working day, should GoNoGo save only 1 minute delay per pilot per month (realistically way more), we are already looking at a worth of 1200€ to 12000€ per pilot per year.
Money is money
And GonoGo avoids wasting money
Our users estimated that GoNoGo was likely to occasionally lead to:
better operational/economical outcome by helping spotting weather issues and planning accordingly (rather likely to likely)
avoiding costly mistakes due to missed NOTAMs - last minute NOTAMs especially (likely to very likely)
More information? contact@pilotmade.no